Thursday, December 8, 2022 • 14 Kislev 5783
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Judaism is often lauded for its sensitive and helpful traditions surrounding mourning and care for the bereaved. Yet much less is commonly known about the sacred tasks of caring for the deceased between the time of death and burial. The Chevra Kadisha/Jewish Burial Society, a group of anonymous volunteers, is entrusted with these tasks. These particular traditions are rooted in Jewish teachings regarding the journey of the soul and the obligation of the living to respectfully care for the deceased.
Come learn about these sacred traditions and the Jewish understanding of the "soul journey" at a special workshop taught by Rabba Kaya Stern-Kaufman in the Social Hall or via Zoom (Zoom link is included with registration confirmation email). Together we will study traditional texts that form the foundation for many of our practices and rituals regarding death. All are welcome.
Links to Class Handout and "Bubby's Last Gift," by Debbie Friedman
Link to class Zoom recording.
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