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Community Engagement Questionnaire

This form is designed to help you engage with the Temple Israel community in many ways, from volunteering time and skills, to joining a committee or activity group, to connecting with others who share your experiences or interests.

As noted in the introduction to each category, responses in some categories are visible to all Temple Israel members through “tags” in our Member Directory. Others will be seen only by temple staff and volunteer leaders.

Demographics and Life Experiences

Here are some potential points of connection between members. Any boxes that you check will appear as “tags” in your member profile (visible to all members within the Member Directory).

You can find more information about your fellow members in the Member Directory, such as where they live or ages of their children. (Members may opt out of including this information by editing their directory information.)

Committees & Activity Groups

Joining a committee or activity group is a great way to meet new people and make sure the things you care about happen. Please visit the Connect section of our website (Get Involved page and Committees page) to browse a full list of committees and other ways to get involved in the Temple Israel community.

Here’s a preview of what you’ll find on the Get Involved and Committees pages:

  • Committees: Adult Ed, Cemetery, Endowment, Development, Education, Financial Oversight, House, Library, Membership, Ritual and Tikkun Olam.
  • Activity groups: Art Review, Book Club, Brotherhood, Chesed Squad, Immigrant and Refugee Support, Israel Affairs, Seacoast Family Promise, Sisterhood, Spring Event and Temple Israel Tours.
From our website you can email committee leaders to indicate your interest in helping out or learning more.

For the groups below please select if interested and someone will contact you.
Note that you will be charged $25.00/yr for membership in Sisterhood or Brotherhood.

Synagogue Operations

Please select areas in which you would be willing to volunteer some time, as needed and as your schedule permits. Your choices will be visible only to synagogue administrative staff and volunteer coordinators.

Chesed Squad

Temple Israel's Chesed Squad provides visits, meals, rides and other help to community members in need. For more information contact the Chesed Squad chair by email.

If you are willing to be contacted when your fellow congregants need help in any of these areas, please select all that apply. This information will be visible only to staff and volunteer coordinators.

If you are interested in receiving help from the Chesed Squad in any of the areas listed above, please contact the temple office.


This section lists some of the skills and areas of expertise that are occasionally needed to support synagogue operations or programming. If you select these items, you could be contacted by a synagogue staff member, committee chair or volunteer leader in need of volunteer help, advice or recommendations. Your choices will not show up in the Membership Directory.

Hobbies & Interests

If you might want to share these hobbies with other members – individually, in groups, or as part of a temple program – please check the boxes. Any boxes that you check will appear as “tags” in your member profile (visible to all members within the Member Directory).

Teaching, Tutoring & Presenting

If you have knowledge to share with our students, adult learners or community, please check the relevant boxes. Then add your specific areas of expertise in the "additional information" section at the bottom of this form.

This information will be shared with Temple staff and committee members; it will not show in the Member Directory.

Holidays & Services

I would be happy to help with Temple Israel holidays and services in the following ways:

Thank you very much for taking the time to fill in this form. Don’t forget to follow up by visiting the Get Involved page to learn about committees and groups, and use the Member Directory to find others who share your interests.

Should you wish to modify your answers, please go to your profile and edit your information. On the tab labeled "Other" you will see these preferences under "Tags/Interests". For further assistance please see our ShulCloud How To Guide.


Please contact the Synagogue Administrative Director, Heather Tomlinson

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Thu, March 13 2025 13 Adar 5785